Wednesday, March 9, 2016

This morning the Year 3 and 4 Team all walked down to the newest building in Sumner - the Surf Lifesaving Club!

We looked at the club building to find out what the building is used for and what the club members needed to use the club for.

They need a gear shed to store junior surf gear such as boogie boards.

Another gear shed stores all the IRBs (inflatable rescue boats) and patrol equipment such as flags and rescue tubes. 
 Another gear shed for surf skis and boards for the lifeguards to train with.
 The Patrol Room is high up so the lifeguards can see the beach.
A first aid room to treat people.
 A pavilion for meetings, parties and community groups.
 There are public toilets, showers and changing facilities.

When we get new classrooms at Sumner School we are going to have to consider a building that will help us learn!
Keep watching this blog to see some of the ideas we come up with.


  1. I really liked going to the Canterbury Museum. It was really cool in the classroom because our activity was the loudest. by Harvey

  2. I really like the Canterbury museum it was really fun I really like the classroom because of smashing the wood with an axe.
    BY ALI
